Pointing out that Vadra’s lawyers had already told the authorities the alleged e-mail exchange between him and Bhandari was “fabricated”, Singhvi claimed BJP was indulging in “witch-hunt” against Vadra. Singhvi also raised questions on the alleged proximity between Bhandrari and senior BJP leader Siddharth Nath Singh and wondered whether the defence minister was not aware of it or, she was merely suppressing it. NEW DELHI: The Congress on Wednesday launched a counter-attack on the defence minister for raking up a report alleging financial links between Sonia Gandhi’s sonin-law Robert Vadra and fugitive arms dealer Sanjay Bhandarai with party spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi asking the government to explain how Bhanadari “was allowed to” leave India during its tenure despite the fact his passport had been impounded.